Things that happened last week:
I signed Mike and I up for the pre-engaged class at church. Now, just so that we are clear Mike and I are not engaged. We are hoping and praying that we will get engaged in the future.
I cleaned. Not a lot but a bit.
Things that are going to happen this week:
Madsteeze. Middle School church camp. An awesome fun weekend of little sleep, Jesus, and friends. We are going with Timberlake Church and we are going to be in Levenworth, WA.
Homework. It happens all the time but I thought I would list. It is very important that teachers explain things well so that students don't break down in tears and finally complete the assignment with a lot of help.
And now onto the most important part of my day: Quit Time: AKA Jesus Time
Right now I am reading Proverbs 31 and I must say what a powerful chapter. It makes me think of how much hard work it is to be married and to have a family. I know that it is rewarding (that's what many people say).
"Her husband has full confidences in her and lacks nothing of value." 31:11
I think that this portion is pretty cool. It shows that her husband supports her, believes her, and is her biggest fan. He knows that she can do things that maybe she thinks she can't do. The "wife of noble character" never has to worry about her husband not loving her because of a decision she makes, there is total and complete unconditional love.
"She is clothed with strength and dignity: she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." 31:26-26
The strength and dignity part is something that I am working on. Also, the laughing at the days to come part, and the wisdom part. Some of the character traits may come a bit more easy to some people then other people. I think the verse means that her life, and home are run with strength and dignity. The laughing part may have to do with being able to let things roll of her back.
Items that I pray for:
My future husband. I pray that he love God with everything possible. I pray that he will put God first over me (future wife). I pray that he wants a Christ-centered marriage and wants to grow in his knowledge of Jesus. I started praying for my future husband the minute I started making dating standards priority. Its pretty amazing that God knows who I am going to marry, when I am going to marry him, and when/ where we are going to meet.
Madsteeze. A super awesome weekend of not much sleep, Jesus, and bonding with 8th grade girls. To be honest I am not looking forward to sleeping into tents, and no showers. But I am looking forward to spending time with Jesus, bonding with the group of 8th grade girls that are in my small group, and eating Costco muffins. : ) I pray that I learn more about Jesus and how to be a good small group leader.
The future. This one may be a little different for some considering that Jesus knows what He is doing (Jeremiah 29:11). I pray that I will continue to do what God has planned for me.
Haiti. A lot is going on there. I pray that Jesus becomes apparent in everything that happens.
Adoption. There are a lot of orphans in the world that need forever Christ-centered families.
Relationships. The relationships that I have I pray that God will give me the time, energy, and strength to have Jesus be the center of those relationships.
Thank you. Thank you Father that you found a class for Mike and I to take. I am excited and nervous . I know that the class will be a challenge, it will have us both take a look at many different items that are important in a relationship. The one thing I do know is that after the class Mike and I will maybe understand each other a little bit better, learn how to improve our relationship, and Mike and I will learn how to become closer to You.
5 years ago
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