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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dressing... Modestly

I was recently at Old Navy with Mike. After Mike was done looking around I went to go look at dresses and shorts. I was kinda excited to look at shorts and dresses because it means spring/ summer is getting a little bit closer. I was excited to try on this dress:

I was excited because I could wear the dress with a long-sleeve shirt, a short-sleeve shirt, and a tank-top. I could also wear the dress with capris or long pants. I then decided to look at the length of the dress because it might be nice to wear the dress by itself as a summer dress. Then it happened. The dress was too short. OK, its not like the dress was way way short, but when I buy a dress I want to be able to bend over and not worry about stuff.

Then I tried the shorts on:

The shorts are on the shorter side. I honestly don't mind wearing shorts that show a little bit of leg, but this was too much. The shorts were long enough when I put them on, but they are going to shrink in the wash.

I like shopping but it puts me in a very bad mood when the clothes that I want to wear are too short or show too much skin. So, I usually shop on-line for clothes where they offer clothes in talls (they offer more coverage), or I layer.

Friday, February 19, 2010

College Student

A couple of weeks ago I had a paper that was due. The rough draft was due to be exact. Being like most college students did I start writing the paper a week before it was due? Nope. Did I start writing it a day before it was due? Not a chance. I started writing the paper 1 1/2 hours before it was due. The paper had to be a minimum of 750 words. I got the paper done in an hour and 15 minutes. 760 words with MLA format. I call that a very good day of college as opposed to my day of tripping adn the other day of me getting kicked out of class.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shoe Lace

A couple of weeks ago I was walking to class and my shoe lace got caught in the stairs. First thing to point is: My shoes were tied. things like this happen all the time to me.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Apparently I walk around Whatcom with a target on my back. I honestly don't know what I do but my physics teacher really doesn't like me. I was in class today and my cell phone goes off. OK, OK I know bad but I am the only person that has gotten kick-out of class. Other people's phones have gone off and she doesn't do anything. Its like she wants to see me fail. Why me? Am I an easy target?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dance Recital

I don't mind my dance class. Its not that bad that I have to play some slightly embarrassing games in class because most of the students in my class are in 4th and 5th grade, maybe put to 7th grade. It bad when the teacher says that for the spring dance recital we are going to be dancing to a Veggie Tales song. Please keep in mind that this is going to be in public on a stage.

This is going to be horrible. I am 20 years old. I do not want to dance to a Veggie Tales song in PUBLIC!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Birthday Present

It was my birthday yesterday (February 6th) and I got flowers from Mike.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Giving Gifts

I really like giving gifts, its a ton of fun. Small problem... I am horrible at keeping secrets. As in I will get somebody a gift and A) The person getting the gift guesses what I am getting them B) I get to excited and give the gift early C) My big fat mouth blabbers what gift I am getting. Most of the time its a combination of a couple.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Transfering to Western

I just finished a meeting with the transfer adviser at Whatcom Community College and I may be able to transfer to Western Washington University...

Are you all ready for it? no really are you?


I am super happy as I thought I was almost 1 year behind in credits. I don't know for sure if it is 100% Winter Quarter but its looking like it. I will be keeping you all updated.

Either way I am very excited to be moving on in life. I am excited to being 1-step closer to graduating from college. I am 1-step closer to the Real World (slightly scary, but at the same time cool). I am excited and scared as to what God has planned for me (but excited mostly).

I have been praying to God that He give me peace and some type of understanding about college and He gave me the best answer.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord." James 1:5-7

OK, to be honest at times I question God. Bad, idea considering He knows exactly what He is doing. Something to work on.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Day- Wednesday

I wake up early (OK, it was only 5 minutes early)

I print out my lab for my physics class that the teacher has not gotten 3 times in a row. This is my third try to get it turned it.

I leave the house with my backpack and laptop. However, I forget my lab. I now have to go back inside and get it.

I get to school and park no other problems.

I start walking to my first class (physics) my laptop case breaks... again... 3ed time this quarter. Something else that I will need to buy. great

While I am walking up the stairs to physics my shoe lace gets stuck in the stairs. Honestly, who in the world gets their shoe lace stuck in the stairs? I now and the proud owner of an extra bump on my right knee.

At this point I am considering going back home and crawling into bed and not coming out for a pretty long time and the day isn't even 1/2 over.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Economics Chapters 1-3/ Weeks 1-3 Review

Chapter 1- The Study of Economics (3- 34)

Capital- Physical aids to the production process. (factories, machinery, and tools)
Ceteris Paribus- Other things being equal. Assumption that other variables remain constant.
Cost Benefit Analysis- Comparison of cost and benefits.
Economics- The study of how to use our limited resources to satisfy our unlimited wants as fully as possible.
Economic Resources- The scarce inputs used in the process of creating goods or providing a service. (Land, Labor, Capital, entrepreneurship)
Economic Theories- Generalizations about causal relationships between economic factors, and variables.
Entrepreneurship- Combining land, labor, and capital to produce cost effective ways to earn a profit. Most be willing to take risks.
Free Trade- Trade that is not hindered by artificial restrictions or trade barriers of any type.
International Economics- The study of international trade and finance. (Why nations trade and how it’s financed)
Labor- Mental and physical work of those employed in the production process.
Land- All the natural resources/ raw material used in the production process.
Law of Increasing Cost- As more of a specific product is produced the more it costs. Opportunity cost per unit will increase.
Macroeconomics- The study of economics as a whole and how to influence economy’s total performance.
Normative Judgment- Value judgments about what should be, rather then what is.
Opportunity Cost- The best/ most valued, alternative that is sacrificed when a particular action is taken.
Production Possibilities Curve- Curve that shows a combo. of goods that an economy can produce w/ its present stock of economic resources and present way of production.
Theories- Generalizations about the relationship w/ fact or variable.
Law of Increasing Cost- As a product is produced you have to use resources that are not easy for an economy to produce then it cost more to produce a unit of that product.
Three Fundamental Questions-
What to produce?
How to produce?
For whom to produce?
Five Economic Goals
1- Full Employment of Economic Resources
2- Efficiency
3- Economic Growth
4- A Far Distribution of Income
5- A Stable Price Level

Chapter 2- Economic Systems (35- 63)

Capitalism- An economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and fundamental economic choices are made by individual buyers and sellers interacting in markets.
Elements of Capitalism
1- Private Property and Freedom of Choice
2- Self- Interest
3- Markets and Price
4- Competition
5- Limited Government Intervention
Command Socialism- An economic system in which the means of production are publicly owned and the fundamental economic choices are made by a central authority.
Elements of Command Socialism
1- Public Ownership: EVERYTHING is owned by the public.
2- Centralized Decision Making: All economic decisions are made by a central authority. The central authority is also in charge of making sure that the decisions are carried out.
3- Economic Planning: Central Authority (central planning board) gathers a lot of information about various economic aspects and draws up a master plan concerning the best choices.
4- Allocation by Command: Resources and products are allocated by directive or command and the central authority used its power to enforce these decisions.
How Command Socialism Answers The Three Questions (Page 47)
- The answers to the 3 fundamental questions are decided by the central planning board. The central planners can select any output targets, any mix of products within limits set by the economy’s productions capacity.
1- What To Produce-
2- How To Produce- The central planners must try to stretch the economy’s limited resources as far as possible.
3- For Whom To Produce-

Common Property Resources- Resources that belong to society as a whole rather then to particular individuals.
Consumer Sovereignty- An economic condition in which consumers dictate which goods and service will be produced by business.
Economic Systems- The set of institutions and mechanisms by which a society provide answers to the three fundamental questions.
Household- A living unit that also functions as an economic unit. Whether it consists of a single person or a large family, each household has a source of income and responsibility for spending the income.
Invisible Hand- A doctrine introduced by Adam Smith in 1776 holding that individuals pursuing their self-interest will be guided (as in by the invisible hand) to achieve objectives that are also in the best interest of society as a whole.
Laissez Faire Economy- An economy in which the degree of government interventions is minimal.
Market- All actual or potential buyers and sellers of particular items. Markets can be international, national, regional, or local.
Means of Production- The raw materials, factories, farms, and other economic resources used to produce goods and services.
Mixed Economy- Economies that represent a blending of capitalism and socialism. All real- world economies are mixed economies. (Page 49)
Reasons For a Mixed Economy
1- Public Ownership of the Means of Production
2- Government Decision Making
Pure Competition- A situation in which a large number of relatively small buyers and sellers and interact.
The Circular Flow of Pure Capitalism- Look at page 39
How Capitalism Answers the Three Fundamental Questions-
1- What to Produce: Because consumers can spend what they want producers need to make what consumers want.
2- How to Produce: How to make the product the cheapest way. Weather it be using machines, or people whichever way costs less.
3- For Whom to Produce- You have to decide who to produce the products for and how much the money they are willing to pay.

Chapter 3- Demand and Supply: Price Determination in Competitive Markets

Change in Demand- An increase or decrease in the quantity demanded at each possible price, caused by a change in the determinants of demand; represented graphically by a shift of the entire demand curve to a new position.
Change in Quantity Demanded- An increase or decrease in the amount of a product determined as a result of a change in its price, with factors other then price held constant; represented graphically by movement along a stationary demand curve.
Change in Quantity Supplied- An increase or decrease in the amount of a product supplied at each and every price, caused by a change in its price, with factors other then price held constant; represented graphically by a shift of the entire supply curve.
Complement- A product that is normally purchased along with another good or in conjunction with another good.
Demand- A schedule showing the quantities of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to produce at various prices during a given period of time, when all factors other than the product’s price remains.
Demand Curve- A graphical representation of demand, showing schedule and determine the precise position of the demand curve: income, tastes and preferences, expectations regarding prices, the price of related goods, and the number of producers in the market.
- Price on Vertical Axis
- Quantity on the Horizontal Axis
- Each point on curve represents price and quantity that consumers would demand per year at that price.
Determinants of Demand- The factors that underline the demand schedule and determine the precise position of the demand curve: income, tastes and preferences, expectations regarding prices, the price of related goods, and the number of producers in the market.
- Any demand curve is based on assumption that these factors are held constant.
Determinants of Supply- The factors that underlie the supply schedule and determine the precise position of the supply curve: technology, resource prices, and number if consumers in the market.
Equilibrium Price- The price that brings about equality between the quantity determined and the quantity supplied.
Equilibrium Quantity- The quantity demanded and supplied at the equilibrium price.
Income Effect- Consumers ability to purchase greater quantities of a product that has a declined in price.
Inferior Good- A product for which demand decreases as income increase and increase as income decreases.
- An increase in income will cause consumers to produce less of an inferior good.
Law of Demand-The quantity demanded of a product is negatively, or inversely, related to its price. Consumers will produce more of a product at lower prices then at its higher price.
Law of Supply- The quantity supplied of a product is positively, or directly, related to its price. Producers will supply a larger quantity at a higher price then at lower price.
Motivating- The function of providing incentives to supply the proper quantities of demanded products.
Normal Good- A product for which demand increase and income increase and decrease as income decreases.
Rationing- The function of dividing up or allocating a society’s scarce items among those who want them.
Shortage- An excess of quantity demanded over quantity supplied.
Substitute- A product that can be used in place of some other product because, to a greater or lesser extent , it satisfies the same consumers wants.
Substitution Effect- Consumers’ willingness to substitute for other products the product that has declined in price.
Supply- A schedule showing the quantities of a good or service that producers are willing and able to offer for a sale at various prices during a given time period, when all factors other then the product’s price remain unchanged.
Supply Curve- A graphical representation of supply.
Surplus- An excess of quantity supplied over quantity demanded.
Technology- The state of knowledge about how to produce products.
Technological Advances- Discovery that makes it possible to produce more or better products from the same resources.


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1-God 2-Family and Friends 3-School