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Saturday, March 27, 2010

School Confessions... : )

I started Spring Break on Wednesday (24th) and I need to point out that I am a nerd. I got this spiral bound notebook and it has different colored pages. So, I get to have different colored pages for my different classes. : )

I also like school, because I get to buy new books and read them. New packs of 3x5 cards are also nice. For the most part I like school. There are times when I don't like school at all and I would rather be doing other things.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


This is what I will be looking at for the next couple of days:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finals Week... The Full Effects

I haven't put pictures up in a long time so I thought I might grace my blog with a couple of pictures that show what finals really to do college students... :)

OK, OK I took the pictures when I should have been studying (AKA it was an honest study break.

Also, I realize that I am putting these up on the internet were most everybody can see. Please note if you want to use the pictures there to blackmail me for any reason later in the future that they were taken with my webcam so they are not high quality so they will be grainy. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funny/ Bad Dream

A couple of nights ago I had a dream.

I dreamed that I was getting married and as my groom and I were leaving for the honeymoon my dress got caught in the door of the red Mustang Convertible. As we where waving to all our friends and family (aka the people that stay behind and help clean-up) we just pretended that nothing was wrong.


It became a problem. We arrived at our hotel we were going to be spending the night in before we left for our honeymoon and I had to get out of the car. Only problem was that somehow my dress was really, really stuck in the door. We tried everything to get it unstuck. The only solution was for me to get out of my dress in-front of the hotel so that we could open the door.

Great dream...

When I had the dream I woke-up having way too many thoughts running through my brain. So, for my wedding day I hope that it does not happen and if it does happen my groom and I will be able to fix the problem with the smallest amount of embarrassment. I possible. I also hope that I don't have to worry about car color. : )

Friday, March 5, 2010

School Sucks

I go to school today thinking that it will be a good day. "good day" as in I would not get lost in whatever we are learning in class. Didn't happen. For the whole class it felt like the teacher was looking at me and wait for me to do something wrong. I will learn something in class understand it, go home read about it, go back to class and have no idea what I just learned. It really frustrates me because its like looking at something totally new. However, the stuff that I am looking at is not new rather its a few days old. Yes, I read by books in between classes. I honestly don't know what is wrong. I will look at a book for the longest time read and re-read many times and I have no idea what is being said. Then if there is the slim chance that I know what is being said I get it switched around. Awesome, it is now going to take me forever to graduate from college.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Class Canceled

Now most college students might be overjoyed that classed got canceled. I however am not. I cannot go back to my dorm room and sleep. I live 20-30 minutes from Whatcom Community College. I would rather spend the morning burning my ever precious brain cells in Physics (class that got canceled). If would be kinda pointless for me to go home because by the time I get all settled in I would have to leave for my next class. If I were at home I would still be sleeping and I would not be trying to keep my eyes open.

On the plus side, I do have a ton of time to do my homework, waste time on the computer, and write my testimony that I am going to most likely be sharing at Flipside in the next couple of weeks.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I bought a dress at Old Navy I thought it was going to be long enough. However, I put the dress in the wash and it shrank to a length that it too short to wear unless I am wearing pants, capris or long shorts. Awesome. I thought that I had just purchased this super cute dress that I was going to be able to wear doing the summer to a wedding, and out on a casual date. Apparently, not. It has now been determined that I will be purchasing all my dresses from the Old Navy tall section online so that my dress are a good length (as it I will be able move around comfortably without having to worry).


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1-God 2-Family and Friends 3-School