A couple of nights ago I had a dream.
I dreamed that I was getting married and as my groom and I were leaving for the honeymoon my dress got caught in the door of the red Mustang Convertible. As we where waving to all our friends and family (aka the people that stay behind and help clean-up) we just pretended that nothing was wrong.
It became a problem. We arrived at our hotel we were going to be spending the night in before we left for our honeymoon and I had to get out of the car. Only problem was that somehow my dress was really, really stuck in the door. We tried everything to get it unstuck. The only solution was for me to get out of my dress in-front of the hotel so that we could open the door.
Great dream...
When I had the dream I woke-up having way too many thoughts running through my brain. So, for my wedding day I hope that it does not happen and if it does happen my groom and I will be able to fix the problem with the smallest amount of embarrassment. I possible. I also hope that I don't have to worry about car color. : )
5 years ago
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