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Friday, March 5, 2010

School Sucks

I go to school today thinking that it will be a good day. "good day" as in I would not get lost in whatever we are learning in class. Didn't happen. For the whole class it felt like the teacher was looking at me and wait for me to do something wrong. I will learn something in class understand it, go home read about it, go back to class and have no idea what I just learned. It really frustrates me because its like looking at something totally new. However, the stuff that I am looking at is not new rather its a few days old. Yes, I read by books in between classes. I honestly don't know what is wrong. I will look at a book for the longest time read and re-read many times and I have no idea what is being said. Then if there is the slim chance that I know what is being said I get it switched around. Awesome, it is now going to take me forever to graduate from college.

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