Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
- Doing Flipside at CTK
- Going to college
- Stepping out of my comfort zone
- Got a job
- One of my best friends is my boyfriend
- my sisters (5 of them) are doing great
- Got baptized
- Learning how to wakeboard
- Learning how to be myself
- Got a "princess dress"
- I want to finish college
- Jesus is still #1 and always will be #1 in my life
- Taking dance
- Spending time with friends
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Traveling Adventures- Part A
Some things you should know:
I am waaaaaaay out of my comfort zone.
I am very happy that this happened now and not someplace that I would have known nobody.
I hate not showering every night. (Think of all the germs)
My overactive imagination is going crazy.
Jesus is awesome in the fact that He is always there for you.
I am to nervous to go outside of my hotel for fear that there is some wacko out there (not that there probably is). Because of that I am going to have not brushed my teeth in over 24 hours.
Wearing the say clothes 2 days in a row??? Nasty.
I would like a really big hug right now.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Getting Used To It All
Over the past year or so I have had to do a lot of adjustments. By adjustments I mean I have had to get used to being a college student and not a high school student and my mom and I are getting used to a different type of relationship.
Another thing that is hard for me is that I have to get used to not need my parent's approval of everything that I do. I am still getting used to the fact that God made Me into Me for a reason and as myself I have my own unique thoughts. I mean, I knew that I was my own person I am just discovering it more and more.
I have a tendency to think of things one way and God will do what He wants to. I see it one way He sees it another way. I need to get used to knowing that He has a grand an awesome plan for me.
I have a support system here. I didn't really have a support system when I was in California. Its all new to me that I have people who will drop everything to help me out.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
1 Corinthians 7
Anyway, back to 1 Corinthians 7. First off it took me 2 days to read 1 Corinthians 7 because there was so much information I was a bit overwhelmed (but the Bible does that to me most of the time) with what God had to say about being single, dating, and marriage. Before you get on me and say, "Ummm Kiah 1 Corinthians is about marriage." Please remember that the Bible has a lot of stories and lessons in it about everything possible.
"I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs—how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." 1 Corinthian 7:32-35 (NIV)
So this is pretty cool. I think its God saying that while we are single and not dating anybody we have one person to impress. That person would be God. But, when we are dating there is more then one person to impress. Those people would be God and the person we are dating. Now, only because we are human we will usually end up working more to impress the person we are dating. Actually, we should really be working on impressing God. God is the one that brought you guys together.
I think the point of 1 Corinthians 7:32-37 is to let people know while it is awesome that we are dating/ married to someone we need to work on a relationship that is like the relationship we had with Him before we started dating or were married.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Giving Gifts is Awesome/ I Can't Lie
I stink at lying. I cannot do it all. Most of the time this is a good thing, but when I want to surprise people it sucks a lot. Just ask Mikey.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
God is the King and that means we are Princes and Princesses

So it has gotten to the point where I need to blog about it. I am tired of people letting the media influence themselves to a point that they will let themselves be degraded with pornographic pictures and media, and Facebook groups called "Boobies"
God put the time an energy to create each and everyone of us in a unique and special way (yes, that's right we are all unique and "special") I think that we need to honor Him with treating our bodies like a temple:
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Also, Because God is the King should we not surround ourselves with people that make us feel like a prince or princess?
Granted it is a lifelong process in honoring God with everything that we we thing say and do but God is suuuuper patient.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.' Colossians 3:17
Give it some thought
Sunday, November 22, 2009
PLNU Women's Soccer Results...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Point Loma Nazarene University Women's Soccer (NAIA First Round Nationals)

A girl that I went to high school church camp with plays soccer at Point Loma and her team (Sea Lions) made it to the first round of nationals. The best part is that the first round of NAIA Women's Soccer Nationals is going to be in Bellingham because they are playing Simon Fraser University (located in Canada). I am super excited to see her play and amazed how it all worked out. I found out about all this only a couple of days ago.
Location: Whatcom Community College
Time: 12:30
Date: Saturday November 21, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Princess Dress

I just got back from picking up a dress that I bought from being altered. I like to call it my "princess dress." But, before I get too involved and confuse you let me give you some background information:
I decided to name my new dress my princess dress because whenever I thought of wearing it I felt like a princess.
Somehow, I got to telling Mikey about my princess dress and pretty much he told me that, "Kiah, you don't need a dress to be a princess, because you are already a princess."
Besides the fact that most people would say, "how nice, cute, and or adorable." I need to say that I think that everybody needs to have someone in their life that can give them compliments that make them feel warm mushy and safe inside.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I Like...
- To study. Major nerd alert, I find if fun to get my homework done early.
- To have Quiet Time with God. It keeps me grounded.
- Roses. Super pretty.
- To spend time with friends and family.
- To dance. Its another way to praise God.
- To sleep. Super entertaining and college student like.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
DownEast basics

On my hunt for fun super cute but modest clothes I found DownEast basics:
They have super cute tops.
(Get this, the tops actually cover your backside)
They have tops that you can use for layering.
(If a top is too low-cut these tops can make it a bit more modest)
The skirts and dressed all knee-length.
(When you bend over you don't have to worry about the skirt being too short)
The jackets/ sweaters are very cute and add fun to layering.
And the best part is...
All the stuff is affordable!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How to stress Kiah out/ I worry way too much...
2. Put me in a new situation.
3. Homework, parent's who don't mean to be critical but are, and not a lot of sleep.
4. New people and new situation.
Apparently I worry way too much. I had a meeting at work and I thought it was going to be bad... But it wasn't. It makes me very happy.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Feeling Uncertain
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Baptism and Me
I finally decided that it was time that I get baptized. I don't know what it was that had me dragging my feet, but yeah I finally decided and its going to happen next Sunday (November 8th) at the 10AM service at CTK Bellingham. One super awesome thing that is happening is that my dad is coming to church. He has not been to church in almost a year.
I think the reason it took me so long to decide was that I was worried what other people would say (mainly my parents), because at times I feel like no matter what I do I can't please them. I know what your thinking you can't make everybody happy and blah, blah, blah. But... My family has different religious beliefs and ever since I accepted Christ into my life things have been a little different for us. Anyway, its happening and I thought that I would share that bit of information.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fall Favorites
Thursday, October 22, 2009
How To Feel Like A Princess:
A: Find a dress that makes you feel like a princess.
B: Wear your "princess dress."
C: Go out to dinner, out for a walk at a nice park wearing your "princess dress."
D: Feel special when you are out and about in your "princess dress."
E: Know that you should be treated and feel like a princess every single day. It doesn't mean you have to dress-up all the time, but that does mean that the people around you should treat you with respect and with manners each and everyday.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I am thankful for...
2. Friends that are actually calm enough to listen to me talk when I am in the middle of a crying episode. For any person to talk to a girl when they are crying it takes guts.
3. God testing me. Being tested by God totally stinks when it starts but in the end you will become a super strong person.
4. Fun dates. I am talking about the super simple, "Lets go take a walk at the park." Or the phone call that starts with, "Make sure the you are wearing something niceish...." With no explanation as to why I need to.
5. Certain people (you know who you are) that know how to give compliments at the right time. Like, when someone says something along the line of, "When you wear your princess dress.." and I say, "Its not a princess dress unless I have a crown." That someone then says, "You don't need a crown to be a princess, because you already are." Beyond the "how sweet and blah, blah, blahness. This certain person is such an important part in my life and when that certain person says things like that it just makes me smile extra big.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dressing Modest

In my quest to find a modest swimsuit I found it very hard to find a swimsuit that covers your chest, stomach and back. I think that its important to dress modestly because it is not fair to the guys that you are around if you are dressed in a way that will give them a chance to look at stuff that they should probably not be looking at. It is also hard to find dresses that are long enough and cover enough on top. For tops I like to do the bend test. In other words if I can bend over and see down the front of my top then that means that other people will be able to see down the front of my top. If that is the case with any of my tops I A: Layer or B: Don't wear the top at all. However at times when it seems like all is lost I found a swimsuit that is going to keep me covered on the top, and middle.
Friday, October 16, 2009

Here are a couple things that I have learned about living in Washington state:
1- During Fall you never ever EVER leave your house without:
A: Proper rain-wear
B: A change of clothes so if the clothes that you are wearing get wet you can have something
dry to change into.
2- Learn to really like drinking something warm.
3- Movies/ hot chocolate/ freshly baked cookies are awesome.
4- Movie/ breakfast dates are a lot of fun.
5- Having a small collection of hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, and jackets are essentials.
6- Layering is awesome.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Giving Glory to God/ Serving Others
1. Grabbing an extra drink from the fridge when you go to get something for yourself.
2. Baking something that someone likes.
3. Serving another person food before you serve yourself.
4. Helping out with a person's meal.
5. Giving a helping hand.
6. Giving out a complement.
The list can go on and on...
It really makes me happy to serve others because its me being like Jesus. Whenever I serve another person weather its is big or small I like to remember of Colossians 3:17
"And whatever you do weather in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks through God the Father through him."
My question for you is:
How do you serve those around you? It can be little things or big things.
How do you bring glory to God?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Very Cute Baby Alert

To get things cleared up this adorable and extra cute baby IS NOT mine. : ) Not that it isn't obvious or anything... She is my boyfriend's niece. She just turned 1 about a month ago and she just started walking. And yes she does really love smoothies and she drank a lot of that smoothie. She has the biggest blue eyes ever, she loves to talk in "Baby Language" and she is extra extra cute. Personally, she beats out most any baby for most any award.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Lies: Be Careful What You Believe

Part 3: A Lie in Truth 's Clothing
(CTK Bellingham/Pastor Grant)
THE LIE: God will never give you more then you can handle.
God MAY give us more then we can handle, but it's never more then HE CAN HANDLE.
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
At church we are going through a sermon series called Lies: Be Careful What You Believe and this weekend we did Part 3: A Lie in Truth 's Clothing and this particular part stuck out to me because I think that at one time or another we have all had to deal with some hard stuff. Give it some thought.