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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Traveling Adventures- Part A

I am on my way to visit my aunt in Pennsylvania. Still attempting to get there. My flight was canceled. Awesome. So, I am currently sitting in a hotel wide awake with a flight leaving tomorrow.

Some things you should know:

I am waaaaaaay out of my comfort zone.

I am very happy that this happened now and not someplace that I would have known nobody.

I hate not showering every night. (Think of all the germs)

My overactive imagination is going crazy.

Jesus is awesome in the fact that He is always there for you.

I am to nervous to go outside of my hotel for fear that there is some wacko out there (not that there probably is). Because of that I am going to have not brushed my teeth in over 24 hours.

Wearing the say clothes 2 days in a row??? Nasty.

I would like a really big hug right now.

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