In regards to my post about Corban University prayers have been answered. Jesus is so good.
An update for July because the month is happening fast. M and I are taking a trip to Santa Barbara to visit friends and family. I am so excited to have some sun, and the beach. I am doing extra homework in an attempt to have a homeworkish free week. To say the least the last couple of weeks have been crazy because I have been studying for finals and I have been trying to get ahead in my classes.
June was the last month M and I were full-time middle school small group leaders. We are still going to be involved, but it was a lot and we felt it was a good time to take a break and recharge our batteries. So from time to time we will help out with various events, and got to youth group to hang out.
After M and I get back from our trip to Santa Barbara some friends are getting married. Around the same time some more friends are coming to visit. While that is all happening I start work. I have been asked to work full-time as works allows. Pretty excited about that it means more money to put away and save for stuff in the future. Crazy fun full next few weeks.
For the most part I am excited to be started this next season of life. I can't wait to see what Jesus has planned.
5 years ago
Glad that you two are doing plenty of things together!!! Are you going to go meet Kiah (the male version) and his wife? I am glad that you are seeking the Lord and following after what the Lord is leading you two to be doing!!!
Yes I do get to see Kiah (the guy) and his wife. I can't wait to see the sun! Sounds like you 2 have had a lot going on.
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