I just got back from picking up a dress that I bought from being altered. I like to call it my "princess dress." But, before I get too involved and confuse you let me give you some background information:
I decided to name my new dress my princess dress because whenever I thought of wearing it I felt like a princess.
Somehow, I got to telling Mikey about my princess dress and pretty much he told me that, "Kiah, you don't need a dress to be a princess, because you are already a princess."
Besides the fact that most people would say, "how nice, cute, and or adorable." I need to say that I think that everybody needs to have someone in their life that can give them compliments that make them feel warm mushy and safe inside.
What a great guy! I am so glad that God brought Mikey into your life!!!! I am praying for you two like I have said before! =) I would like to see you and Mikey when you are both dressed up for your date. You know Robin will take millions of pictures! You are gorgeous anyways Kiah, but I can't wait to see the dress.
No problem. I am sure that we can manage a couple of pictures... =)
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